Safe Mercury Filling Removal

Safe Mercury Filling Removal

If you have any fillings made of mercury amalgam, also known as “silver fillings,” SMART protocol reduces your exposure to toxic chemicals, in particular, mercury, a known neurotoxin, and encourages optimal oral health. At Holistic Smiles LA, IAOMT certified dentist Dr. Monempour specializes in SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique). Holistic Smiles LA offers safe mercury filling removal to patients in Santa Monica, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Marina Del Rey, and other surrounding cities in Los Angeles

What is SMART mercury-amalgam removal?

SMART mercury removal is an outpatient procedure that uses special tools and techniques to remove mercury-amalgam fillings.

Amalgam or silver fillings contain various materials, including copper, tin, zinc, and the well-known neurotoxin mercury. Years of biting, chewing, drinking hot beverages, normal wear, grinding, and teeth brushing causes trace amounts of mercury to be released into your body orally and absorbed into your bloodstream, increasing the amount of mercury in your system. Having mercury circulating through your body increases your risk of potentially serious health problems.

After removing the amalgam filling from your tooth, Dr. Monempour replaces it with either a biocompatible filling, inlay, onlay, or crown. The goal is to choose the least conservative way of preserving as much tooth structure as possible while maintaining strength integrity on the remaining tooth. 

What does SMART mercury removal involve?

At Holistic Smiles LA, to ensure positive treatment outcomes, the team closely adheres to the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) guidelines and some extra to make sure you are fully protected from the mercury removal procedure.

Before treatment begins, you and Dr. Monemour put on safety goggles to reduce mercury exposure. Then, Dr. Monempour uses special tools to carefully remove your amalgam filling one piece at a time. After removing each piece, he places a powerful suction device in your mouth, preventing aerosols from entering the room. 

After removing your amalgam filling, Dr. Monempour rinses your mouth with an all-natural cleansing solution. He then fills your tooth with a biocompatible material, restoring its shape, size, and appearance. The biocompatible material mimics the color of your natural tooth enamel, so it blends in with the rest of your smile. 

Before treatment begins, the team will ask you to rinse and swallow with an ozonated charcoal solution. A unique cap will protect your hair and ears. They also provide eye protection and oxygen to cover your nose. A large bib to cover your body will be provided. There is ample filtration, air ventilation, and a rubber dam to isolate the mercury from the rest of your mouth in the room. 

A custom liquid dam to surround the tooth from the rubber dam is also provided, although not required. From his experience, Dr. Monempour learned that the rubber dam sometimes leaks. With the custom liquid dam around the tooth, mercury can’t leak between the tooth and the dam, which stops mercury from entering our mouths.

There is also high-speed suction next to the tooth to capture mercury particles when released, a suction hood just above the tooth being worked on to capture lingering mercury vapors released into the air, copious amounts of water to reduce mercury into the atmosphere. Dr. Monempour performs a chuncking technique to remove the amalgam filling in larger chunks because it’s when an amalgam filling is drilled, the most amount of mercury is released. Once the procedure is complete, we will ask you to rinse with,

Who can benefit from SMART mercury-amalgam removal?

Anyone with a traditional mercury-amalgam filling (aka silver filling) can benefit from SMART mercury-amalgam removal. This is especially true if you plan on becoming pregnant, have levels of mercury in your bloodstream, or have a known heightened sensitivity or allergy to metals such as mercury, zinc, silver, tin, copper

The FDA recently admitted that mercury fillings could cause you harm and should be avoided if:

  • You are pregnant
  • Planning on becoming pregnant
  • Nursing
  • Have a pre-existing neurological condition
  • Impaired kidney function
  • Have a heightened sensitivity or allergy to mercury or any of the other components of dental amalgam

Is safe mercury removal painful?

Safe mercury removal is generally very well-tolerated. To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, Dr. Monempour first administers a local anesthetic. He will also tell you to lift your left hand if you feel any discomfort during the procedure, and he will stop what he is doing immediately and administer more anesthetic if needed.

To learn more about the benefits of safe mercury removal, make an appointment at Holistic Smiles LA by calling the office today. 

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8 AM - 5 PM


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10 AM - 7 PM
7 AM - 4 PM
10 AM - 7 PM
7 AM - 4 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
By Appointment Only
By Appointment Only

Holistic Smiles LA